The big picture
The big print shown above featured in my Open Studio event in 2006. I took the photograph on the island of Burano in the Venetian lagoon, using a medium format film camera, and then scanned the transparency. I made the print myself.
I began taking photographs when I was a teenager. In my late thirties I started working at photography much more seriously. I've lived in Cambridge for more than twelve years.
My work covers a wide range of subjects. My greatest interest is the architecture of the twenty-first century city, and in particular the way modern people use ancient structures.
I care very much about colour. The world around us is rich with colour, and I want my work to express that.
The great revolution for me was digital imaging. Now, using the computer, I have complete creative control over the final appearance of my own photographs. Sometimes the process of editing photographs is more like painting than photography. There is no longer a sharp dividing line between the two art forms.
The big print shown above featured in my Open Studio event in 2006. I took the photograph on the island of Burano in the Venetian lagoon, using a medium format film camera, and then scanned the transparency. I made the print myself.